SPS Assembler Decks

These files are from Ralph Reinke who faithfully preserved them through many generations of IBM hardware. The files are here in their original form and in the SW directory converted to standard .cbn card image binary files.


  • SAMPLE original, cbn One sample card in both formats
  • DUMP original, cbn Storage Print Utility
  • SPS2-1 original, cbn SPS2 Deck 1
  • SPS2-2 original, cbn SPS2 Deck 2
  • SPS2-3 original, cbn SPS2 Deck 3
  • SPS2-4 original, cbn SPS2 Deck 4
  • SPS2-5 original, cbn SPS2 Deck 5
  • SSPS-1 original, cbn SSPS Deck 1
  • SSPS-2 original, cbn SSPS Deck 2


        FROM: Ralph Reinke
        TO:   Paul Pierce
        DATE: 14th of August 1998
        RE:   Contribution to the 1401 Software Project
        Three 1401 machine programs are handed over to be saved for any
        present or future 1401 enthusiasts. One of the programs is a small
        storage print utility, the other two being card based assembler
        that were the programming tools of the time.
        Covered in this document is everything needed to study or really
        operate these programs. Also the manner in which the programs are
        stored in this package is explained. It is not intended to explain
        and describe the 1401 machine. A very few details about the machine
        are given as needed for understanding the operating procedures.
        1401 CONFIGURATION:
        The minimal configuration has been the CPU 1401 of any size, the
        combined card reader and punch unit 1402 and the printer 1403.
        The programs here delivered are meant for this basic configuration
        and do not need anything else. Core storage sizes are mentioned
        where needed. Of course the assemblers are able to build programs
        for any configuration including magnetic tapes and disks.
        The following few details about the 1401 are needed to be known
        as they always showed up in the operating procedures for programs
        of any complexity.
        *   STACKERS
            The 1402 unit had the card punch on the left, the reader on
            the right and in between there were five adjacent compartments
            or 'stackers' to place the cards that had been read or punched.
            These stackers were named in the following manner:
            (Punch)   N/P   4   8/2   1   N/R   (Reader)
            If not ordered otherwise by program control all cards punched
            would go into N/P (Normal Punch) and all cards read into N/R
            (Normal Read). Cards punched could optionally be directed into
            4 or 8/2 and cards read into 1 or 8/2.
            In this manner the card input and output could be split by
            sending them into different stackers.
        *   SWITCHES
            On the main panel of the CPU a row of switches named A through
            G could be toggled up and down (ON and OFF) and the position of
            these switches could be sensed by program instructions. Hereby
            any number of different program behaviour could be offered and
            chosen. - Switch A had a special meaning: when set to ON it was
            sensed as ON only when the LAST CARD of the input batch had
            passed the reader.
        *   HALTS
            A special instruction HALT when encountered during program flow
            would stop the CPU and the red STOP key on the panel lighted.
            The instruction was either coded with no operand, a number of
            choice or a valid branching address. Accordingly the following
            differing behaviour resulted:
            NO OPERAND: Instruction Register I shows address of the Next
                        Sequential Instruction (NSI). Pressing START key
                        starts the CPU on NSI. NSI identifies a HALT in
                        case there is more than one HALT in a program.
                        This is documented in the operating papers with
                        its meaning.
            NUMBER: Register A for the A-Operand shows the number and
                    thereby identifies a HALT. Pressing START starts the
                    CPU on NSI.
            ADDRESS: On pressing START the CPU branches to the coded
                     address. The HALT instruction may point to itself
                     thereby locking the program totally. The display
                     of NSI in the I-Register identifies the HALT.
        By combining stackers, switches and halts in a program it is
        possible to build any optional program behaviour.
        The 1401 never had any Operating System however simple. While
        programs could reside on magnetic tape and be loaded from there
        the basic procedure was to have the programs as punched cards, the
        input data for the program also consisting of cards. The program
        cards followed by the input cards were placed into the reader and
        a lid on top of the last card to secure the proper feeding without
        damaging the last cards.
        On pressing the START key on the panel the CPU automatically started
        the card reader. The program cards were read into core storage and
        the last program card initiated program execution. The cards of the
        machine program had quite an involved structure which to explain
        would need to go into very much detail of the CPU's principles of
        operation. Some basic information about this will be given further
        down in connection with documenting one of the assemblers.
        The 1401 had a few areas of low storage that were assigned to the
        following special purposes and addresses:
        *   Card Input Area = 1 - 80
        *   Card Punch Area = 101 - 180
        *   Print Area = 201 - 332
        Three Index Registers were incorporated as parts of main storage
        at the following addresses:
        X1 = 087 - 089, X2 = 092 - 094, X3 = 097 - 099
        The debugging procedure for programs mainly consisted of printing
        the contents of the main storage after program crash and taking
        this 'storage dump' back to your desk for analysis. This printout
        could be effected in two ways: by hardware or by software.
        The panel of the CPU had switches and keys for effecting a trap
        for an instruction address, restarting the stopped CPU on any
        desired instruction address, single step mode of operation and
        last not least the choice of printing any desired 100 bytes of
        storage, named a 'Line' of storage.
        Printout was in a crude manner without any layout and any 'Line'
        had to be printed by separate handling of switches. The strength
        of this hardware approach was that no storage or register contents
        was altered by this method. By the way: storage consisted of those
        matrices of magnetized ferrite rings the magnetism of which held
        the stored data for any length of time after a program run even
        when the CPU was powered down and up again!
        The software approach of course was to have a utility program for
        printing storage. Such a program was started by START after crash
        of the faulty program and delivered a nicely made up 'storage dump'
        of the whole storage. The drawback was that the utility, though
        being small, by being loaded destroyed some contents beginning at
        address zero. Whenever these locations were of importance for the
        debugging case in question one simply 'dumped' the first lines by
        hardware and then loaded the utility.
        The utility program consists of only 16 cards and is found in the
        file 'DUMP' in this package. The operating procedure is nothing
        more than starting the program by START. This program managed to
        only destroy the contents of the Card Input Area. The effected
        printout shows the following details:
        *   Contents of Print Area
        *   Contents of Index Registers
        *   Contents of Punch Area
        *   The following parts of storage are shown separated per Line
            with Line numbering, beginning with two printed lines as a
            scale for better reading, followed by the line with storage
            contents and a closing line of scattered blanks and '1' by
            which the current location of 'Word Marks' were shown. These
            Word Marks are an allimportant special feature of the 1401
            that cannot here be explained in a few words. - In conclusion
            the actual settings of Switches A,B...G were given.
            Lines of storage containing spaces only are not displayed.
        As this program was delivered in Germany the following few German
        words appear in the printout and their English meaning is:
        ASSEMBLERS FOR THE 1401:
        There were two different systems of assembly language. AUTOCODER
        was the more modern and progressive system offering a flexible
        input format and even macros and other prebuilt routines. The
        assembler and its library resided on magnetic tape. The assemblers
        in this package belonged to the 'Symbolic Programming System' or
        SPS, the more basic method restricted to punched cards as storage
        medium. No macro feature was available and a rigid input format
        had to be observed. The strength of the system was the fact that
        almost any poor hardware configuration was sufficient.
        The SPS showed up in two steps of evolution. The first came as SPS1
        and SPS2, the second being called SSPS (probably meaning SUPER SPS).
        While SPS1 even worked on a CPU with only 1400 bytes of storage it
        was capable of building programs of no greater size than 4000 bytes.
        SPS2 needed a storage size of 4000 and could manage programs of the
        maximum size of 16000 bytes. SPS1 and SPS2 consisted of 5 programs
        each and the operating procedure was quite involved.
        SSPS in contrast needed at least 4000 bytes and was delivered tailor
        made for each existing storage size. It was composed of 2 programs
        only and offered a much simpler and quicker procedure.
        The layout for the input cards for SPS and SSPS - the symbolic
        program cards - is identical. The meaning of the 80 collumns is:
        *   01-05 = Card numbering without duplicates and in ascending
                    order, best with gaps for insertions.
        *   06-07 = Count = number of characters, only used for definition
                    of constants and areas.
        *   08-13 = Label if needed.
        *   14-16 = Operation Code.
        *   17-27 = A-Operand, subdivided as follows:
            *   17-22 = Address in form of a Label or expressly given
                        as a number of 4 digits.
            *   23    = Optional Sign '+' or '-' for an Address Calculation,
                        Blank can mean '+'.
            *   24-26 = Address Calculation, optional as a 3-digit number
                        meaning an increment or decrement for Address.
            *   27    = Optionally chosen Index Register '1'/'2'/'3'.
        *   28-38 = B-Operand, subdivided like A-Operand.
        *   39    = Operation Supplement where needed.
        *   40-55 = Comments.
        *   56-75 = Unused.
        *   76-80 = Program Identification of free choice.
        PROGRAM 2 of 3: ASSEMBLER SPS2:
        This assembler comes in 5 parts which mean a logical unit but in a
        technical sense they are 5 separate machine programs. To a minor
        degree they can be used separately. These programs are found in the
        the following files: SPS2-1, SPS2-2, SPS2-3, SPS2-4 and SPS2-5.
        These names will also be used as an abbreviation in the folllowing
        The shortage of the very expensive core storage enforces a splitting
        of the assembly process and the following five steps result:
        PRELIST: First it must be made sure the symbolic program cards do
        -------  not contain any formal errors for otherwise the assembly
                 proper would never be possible. Therefore program SPS2-1
                 has to be started first, followed by these cards:
              1) A special Control Card telling the assembler the storage
                 size of the system used in this assembly and the storage
                 size of the system the resulting machine program is meant
                 for, which of course can and mostly will be identical.
                 The layout for this card is:
                 14-16 = 'CTL'
                 17    = storage size of assembly machine
                 18    = storage size of target machine
                 The sizes are given as the following numbers:
                 3 = 4.000 bytes
                 4 = 8.000 bytes
                 5 = 12.000 bytes
                 6 = 16.000 bytes
              2) Another Control Card which is optional and can alter the
                 Origin Address of the program in storage. If this card is
                 missing Origin is automatically set to 333 (immediately
                 following the Print Area). The Layout of the card is:
                 14-16 = 'ORG'
                 17-20 = Numerical Address in 4 digits.
              3) The Symbolic Program cards following the SPS Layout.
                 Switch A must be set to ON when STARTing the program.
                 The run results in printing the PRELIST - meaning the
                 list before the assembly process. The input cards are
                 printed with header lines and the checking may reveal
                 the following errors:
                 ERR 1 = PAGE/LINE SEQUENCE
                         Card numbering out of sequence or missing.
                 ERR 2 = COUNT
                         1. Value in field is smaller 1 or greater 32.
                         2. Value in field is not numerical.
                 ERR 3 = LABEL
                         1. First character is blank, numerical, % or # or @
                         2. DS-Card without Label has no '*' in A-operand.
                 ERR 4 = MNEMONIC OP CODE
                         1. Invalid Symbolic Operation Code.
                         2. Symbolic Operation missing.
                 ERR 5 = A-OPERAND
                         1. Instruction has a B-Operand but no A-Operand.
                         2. A-Operand of a DCW-, DS-, DC- or DSA-Definition
                            is empty or contains symbolic entry.
                         3. A-Operand of ORG-Card with no numerical address.
                         4. A-Operand of EX-Card or END-Card contains '*'.
                         5. Some formal error in A-Operand:
                            1. INDEX, col. 27 neither empty nor '1'/'2'/'3'.
                            2. ADDRESS CALCULATION, col. 24-26, value not
                               numerical or not right justified.
                            3. SIGN, col. 23 not empty or '+'/'-'.
                            4. Empty position to the left of value.
                            5. Operand with %-character in most significant
                               position has more than 3 positions and so
                               does not mean an Input/Output Unit.
                            6. Left position of Operand is numerical while
                               the others are not.
                            7. Numerical Address with less than 4 digits.
                            8. Numerical Address exceeds storage capacity
                               given in col. 18 of CTL-Card.
                            9. A *-Address is not followed by spaces.
                 ERR 6 = B-OPERAND
                         Invalid B-Operand:
                         1. Col. 23 of a DCW- or DC-Card neither empty nor
                            does it contain '+'/'-'.
                 ERR 7 = COLS 56-74 NOT BLANK
                         Card not empty in cols. 56-74 which may lead to
                         faulty assembly.
                 In conclusion the following messages are printed:
                 *  NO CONTROL CARD if CTL-Card is missing or not first card.
                 *  NO END CARD if END-Card is missing or not last card.
                 *  Total number of Labels.
                 *  Highest storage address used.
                 *  Number of input cards.
                 The cards of machine program SPS2-1 are directed to stacker
                 N/R, the symbolic program cards to stacker 1.
                 Programmed HALTS for SPS2-1:
                 Instruction Address    Meaning
                 2376                   Last Card, END OF JOB, pressing
                                        START lets the loaded program
                                        take a new run.
        ASSEMBLY: The assembly is effected by machine programs SPS2-2 and
        --------  SPS2-3 which belong together of necessity: SPS2-2 is an
                  EX-phase. The symbolic cards input steered to stacker 1
                  by SPS2-1 must be inserted between SPS2-2 and SPS2-3
                  and STARTed, Switch A remain set to ON.
                  The machine program cards of SPS2-2 go into stacker N/R,
                  the symbolic program cards into stacker 1. While SPS2-3
                  still remains in the reader SPS2-2 is working on phase 1
                  of the assembly process which gives the following results:
                  *   Symbolic Operation Codes are translated into real ones.
                  *   Addresses in storage are calculated and areas in
                      storage reserved for Instructions, Constants and Areas.
                  *   A symbol table is built in main storage holding the
                      Labels and their real storage addresses calculated
                      for this program.
                  *   Intermediate Cards are punched and directed to stacker
                      8. These cards hold information needed in phase 2 of
                      the assembly process. Each symbolic card of the input
                      is duplicated as an intermediate card and information
                      added, for instance the instruction lenght is placed
                      as COUNT into cols. 6-7.
                  If necessary corrections from diagnostics have been left
                  off or not been successful this phase 1 of assembly comes
                  to a programmed stop, the incriminated card being the last
                  one in stacker 1. Though there is a restart procedure for
                  going on after such a card has been corrected on the key
                  punch this is quite error prone and should be avoided in
                  favour of getting a complete OK from the Prelist SPS2-1.
                  Programmed HALTS for SPS2-2:
                  Instruction Address    Meaning
                  0409                   Invalid Operation Code in card last
                                         read. Pressing START lets continue
                                         without incriminated card. If card
                                         is corrected and placed into reader
                                         as first one pressing START will
                                         include it.
                  1018                   SPS2-2 or phase 1 is ended and card
                                         just read was not recognized as the
                                         first card of SPS2-3 or phase 2.
                                         SPS2-3 can be placed into reader and
                  As soon as the END-Card from the input has been read this
                  phase 1 closes and SPS2-3 is loaded automatically from the
                  reader. If SPS2-3 has not yet been placed into the reader
                  the CPU is stopped showing the card read command '1' in
                  the OP-Register on the panel.
                  The Intermediate Cards of phase 1 are to be placed behind
                  SPS2-3 as its input and the START key pressed. The cards
                  of machine program SPS2-3 go into stacker N/R, the Inter=
                  mediate Cards into stacker 8/2 and these are useless after
                  this run and should be discarded. The result and output of
                  the run are the newly punched cards in stacker N/P which
                  now hold the following information:
                  *   Again all the information from the Intermediate Cards
                      is copied.
                  *   The Symbolic Instruction is fully translated into the
                      machine language and all symbolic addresses replaced
                      by real addresses using the symbol table in storage,
                      taking into consideration any Address Calculation and
                      wanted Index Registers from the symbolic code. Instead
                      of an Instruction the card could hold a Constant of
                  *   A LOAD instruction is tailored for the contents of the
                      card and added in cols. 56-74. This makes the card a
                      'selfloading card'.
                  On conclusion of the run the batch of cards in stacker N/P
                  is the ready to use machine program. Some further remarks
                  about the construction of this machine program will be in
                  *   Already at begin of phase 2 three additional cards
                      have been generated. They are very important and must
                      be seen as an integral part of the program though in
                      a strictly technical sense they are two additional,
                      separate programs themselves:
                      *   The first and second of the three cards are a
                          stand alone program for completely clearing the
                          main storage to blanks and removing all Word Marks.
                          As the core storage holds all data from operation
                          indefinitely this step is necessary to bring well
                          defined conditions for a new program. The size of
                          storage area to be cleared is taken from col. 18
                          of the CTL-Card.
                       *  The third card is the Bootstrap Card and needed
                          for preparing and initiating the Load procedure
                          for a program.
                  *   All of the following cards each hold one Instruction
                      or one Definition of a Constant in machine language.
                  *   As an exception the last card is the END-Card marking
                      the end of the machine program and it also holds the
                      Start Address of the program.
                  Now the process of Loading a program can be understood as
                  as a sequence of the following steps:
                  1)   The CLEAR STORAGE program sweeps the floor for the
                       proper program execution.
                  2)   The BOOTSTRAP program starts the following chain
                       of LOAD Instructions:
                  3)   A card of the machine program proper is read and if it
                       is not the END-Card the LOAD Instruction in col. 56
                       is executed, the parameters of which which are:
                       *   Address and length of the piece of machine code
                           in this card and
                       *   the designated core storage address for it.
                  4)   If the END-Card was encountered program control is
                       transferred to the Start Address of the program and
                       execution begins.
                  By this chain of LOADs the code fragments fly into place
                  like the pieces of a puzzle.
                  CAUTION: In order to make matters not too boring there can
                  be a certain complication. If the storage size of the
                  machine used for assembly is very restricted and/or the
                  symbolic program is very big in the sense of holding a
                  great number of Labels it can happen that the Symbol Table
                  that has to fit in storage besides the assembler program
                  is overflowed. This now does not mean that a program of
                  this size cannot be assembled on such a small machine. It
                  only means this cannot be done in one run. Surprisingly
                  the assembly process of phase 1 plus phase 2 as described
                  above can be repeated loopwise and the resolution of the
                  symbolic addresses is done incrementally! This means that
                  in all runs but the last the punched cards do not mean the
                  completed machine program but Intermediate Cards which are
                  the input for the next run and then discarded. - To judge
                  whether an assembly run of phase 1 plus phase 2 is the only
                  or concluding one there should be a message on the printer
                  and also the three additional cards mentioned above are
                  only punched in a concluding run. The following numbers
                  show the limits for storage sizes versus number of Labels
                  and that it is not a very like case to occur:
                       Storage Size          Maximum Number of Labels
                          4.000                       260
                          8.000                       660
                         12.000                      1060
                         16.000                      1460
                  Programmed HALTS for SPS2-3:
                  Instruction Address    Meaning
                  1197                   END OF JOB.
        POSTLIST: The name of the list again refers to the assembly itself
        --------  and means a listing taken after assembly. The machine
                  program produced by SPS2-2 plus SPS2-3 is used for input
                  when running SPS2-4 to print the Postlist. There is no
                  special operating procedure to be observed: switch A must
                  as usual be set to ON and after placing SPS2-4 into the
                  reader followed by the machine program START is pressed.
                  The END-Card in input brings the run to a normal close.
                  This listing in addition to the symbolic code also gives
                  the resulting machine code for each statement. It is the
                  document to be kept and stored away for any program.
                  Rather unexpectedly this Postlist can reveal persisting
                  errors in the machine program or - more probably - that
                  a wrong deck of cards has been used for input. These are
                  the possible error messages:
                  *   The special character 'lozenge' has been printed in
                      a line close to the statement numbering and can mean
                      one of the following cases:
                      *   A symbol in an A-Operand or B-Operand has not
                          been defined as a Label.
                      *   The Operation Code for an Instruction is missing.
                      *   An address pointing into the Card Input Area has
                          been assigned to the data to be loaded from a card.
                      *   The number of characters for a Constant exceeds 32.
                      *   The collumns for COUNT in a card hold spaces/zero.
                  *   On reading a card that does not contain machine code
                      it gets the remark 'UNASSEMBLED CARD'. This happens
                      with the wrong card deck as input or in case assembly
                      has not yet been completed (missing repetition of run).
                  *   At last something can be wrong with the three special
                      cards that are normally added in front of the program
                      and the following messages can occur:
                      NO BOOTSTRAP CARD
                  Programmed HALTS for SPS2-4:
                  Instruction Address    Meaning
                  1322                   Last Card, END OF JOB. Pressing
                                         START will let the loaded program
                                         take a new run.
        CONDENSE: As each card of the machine program as described up to now
        --------  contains all the symbolic code as well as the machine code
                  of only one Instruction or Constant this offered - for the
                  very unafraid - the possibility to further correct and
                  patch a program on the key punch before running another
                  assembly. Such practices were suggested by the very narrow
                  time limits of having the machine free for testing.
                  Normally a machine program of this kind when ripe for
                  production would be too bulky to be handy. So the program
                  SPS2-5 was the concluding step as it condensed the machine
                  program from SPS2-3 by throwing out all symbolic code and
                  compressing as many machine code pieces into one card as
                  would go in. A new LOAD Instruction per card is formed and
                  so the quality of the cards as 'selfloading' upheld. The
                  process of program loading as described above remains
                  No special operating procedure is necessary: switch A must
                  be set to ON, program SPS2-5, followed by the uncondensed
                  machine program, placed into the reader and START pressed.
                  The input cards are directed to stacker 1, the output cards
                  to stacker N/P.
                  Programmed HALTS:
                  Instruction Address    Meaning
                  1222                   END-Card read, END OF JOB,
                                         Pressing START can start new run
                                         of loaded program with next card
                                         deck from reader.
                  1323                   Card last read is not an assembled
                                         card. Pressing START will continue
                                         with next card.
                  1327                   Value in field COUNT of card last
                                         read hold a value greater than 32
                                         or smaller 1. Pressing START will
                                         continue with next card.
        SSPS is a much improved version of SPS consisting of only two parts
        here named SSPS-1 and SSPS-2. The operating procedure is much less
        involved and the Intermediate Cards of SPS are done away with. The
        steps of the assembly process as described for SPS are nevertheless
        basically the same and only partially covered by integration.
        SSPS assemblers were distributed as tailored for different storage
        sizes and so the CTL-Control Card does not exist. The specimen here
        given is meant for a machine with 8.000 bytes of storage.
        The internal Symbol Table for Labels now takes into account the
        varying length of Labels and so improves its working capacity. On
        the other hand there is no possibility of incrementally working off
        Labels in repeated runs - such cases are marked as ERROR 8 in the
        The two parts or phases of SSPS belong to each other the first
        being an EX-Phase and do not make any sense separately. The
        machine program punched by phase 2 is always in condensed format.
        The operating procedure is to place the symbolic program between
        the two phases SSPS-1 and SSPS-2 sandwichlike, put this package
        into the card reader, set switch A to ON and to press START.
        The Prelist also informs about how many Labels have been stored
        and how many more would probably be possible.
        Programmed HALTS:
        Instruction Address    Meaning
        0574                   Phase 1 has been loaded and is ready to work.
                               Pressing START starts and a Prelist will be
                               printed. Pressing START-RESET, then START will
                               suppress the Prelist, only statements in error
                               will be printed.
        0825                   Phase 2 has been loaded and is ready to work.
                               Pressing START starts the assembly and prints
                               the Postlist. Pressing START-RESET, then START
                               starts the assembly without a Postlist. All
                               statements in error will be printed anyway.
                               The symbolic cards that have been read by
                               phase 1 must be taken from stacker 1 and be
                               placed into the reader again. The machine
                               program punched is steered into stacker 4.
        1356                   END OF JOB.
        CAUTION: Before starting phase 2 there should always be checked for
        serious errors in phase 1 which do not justify a full assembly and
        may even crash phase 2.
        Three levels of usage can be forseen for these programs. The modest
        one will be to analyze them more or less for mere understanding. The
        more ambituous approach would be to have a simulator or emulator
        program for the 1401 and then the program files would have to be
        somehow prepared or transformed as input. In the very rare case that
        a real 1401 should be available the original punched cards would be
        needed and reproduced from these files.
        It has been tried to cover all three levels by the contents of the
        files and their structure must of course be well understood.
        The original punched cards from the 1401 environment were transferred
        to 9-track tape on a mainframe /360 and carried along to /370 and
        /390 for a long time, at last transferred to the PC.
        There must be clarity about the different code schemes. The 1401
        had its data in BCD or Binary Coded Decimal. For any possible value
        there was a pattern of holes in the standard IBM punched card of 80
        collumns and 12 rows. The following IBM mainframes use EBCDIC or
        Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code - not ASCII like the
        rest of the world! The denomination as Extended already says that
        BCD is a subset of EBCDIC. Accordingly the 1401 punched cards could
        be read and stored on tape without any problem and without being
        altered thereby. Nevertheless the 1401 used some special graphic
        characters that only showed up on the print chains of the 1403
        and similar printers. So we have the problem that some values of
        importance in an assembly listing can no longer be shown in print
        by any typical printer - mainframe or PC. And then the PC files
        have to be in ASCII of course.
        To best solve or escape the problems the following has been done.
        In any of the program files of this package each original punched
        card is given as a sequence of 16 records of size 80 each. As an
        example all of the characters that can directly be input from a
        PC keybord have been turned into such a record group here:
    ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 #&*,./<-% ()\@
        The contents and meaning of the 16 records is the following:
        *   For better reading and separation each group begins with a scale
            showing the positions of the 80 collumns.
        *   Next follows the original card contents turned to ASCII as best
            as possible. But be careful - this is only an approximation for
            the human reader! As said not all BCD values have their graphic
            equivalent in ASCII and these cases are simply seen - or rather
            not seen - as blank in this line. Also never to be forgotten:
            this is ASCII and it would be unreliable to translate by program
            from this line for any use by machine.
        *   The following two records or lines give the original contents
            of the cards in HEXA. This is the reliable source where the
            preceeding record fails. The first of the two records gives
            the 80 ZONE parts of the 80 bytes X'* ' and the second of the
            two the 80 DIGIT parts of the 80 bytes X' *'.
            The proposed use of these two records is:
            *   Whenever the human reader sees a BLANK in the second record
                he better makes sure whether a real BLANK is meant, namely
                X'40' in EBCDIC as HEXA in the third and fourth record. Any
                other HEXA value designates one of the queer 1401 BCD values
                that cannot be shown as ASCII graphically.
            *   Whenever the programs shall be really used on a machine in
                whatever mode for execution they should be transformed from
                these two records of every group as the reliable data source.
        *   The remaining 12 records of a group simulate the original hole
            pattern of the punched card, every '*' obviously meaning a hole.
            The first of these 12 records is 'row 12' of the card, the next
            'row 11' and then 0 through 9.
            If the original cards are needed for a real 1401 they can be
            reproduced on a key punch by hand along this card image.
            As this would be an error prone and somewhat nerve-racking
            procedure perhaps the following idea can be helpful. There
            are ISA-Cards for PCs with relays for controlling external
            events by a PC program. For a person with some electronic
            experience it should not be difficult to somehow connect
            such relays to the keyboard of a key punch and so control
            it by PC. The ON/OFF nature of the card image given might
            be easy to use as input for this control task.
                                  --- FINIS ---
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